Harmans Lawyers

Here at Harmans we have a strong employment team with vast experience in advising clients in respect of employment issues.

Whether you’re an employee or an employer, seeking advice as soon as workplace issues arise or are anticipated to arise can greatly enhance the chances of a successful and satisfactory resolution being reached. At Harmans, our focus is on providing practical advice, and where necessary, resolving employment disputes as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. This is particularly important in New Zealand at present where businesses and employees alike are facing a wide range of challenges across various markets given the current and evolving economic climate. Staying on top of these issues is vitally important and something that Harmans is well-equipped to assist its clients with.

For employers we can provide invaluable advice to help you navigate your obligations and minimise risk, working alongside you to establish sound documents and contracts, assisting with staff communication where necessary and ensuring the processes and procedures you have in place are robust and all-encompassing.

We have significant experience across our team in formal proceedings before both the Employment Relations Authority and New Zealand’s various Courts, and offer a wide range of alternative dispute resolution, mediation and arbitration services.

Some of the key employment law services we offer include:

  • Advising on post Covid-19 issues in relation to staff
  • Advising on dismissals, redundancies and other forms of termination
  • Dispute resolution
  • Enforcing employment agreements
  • Human Rights cases
  • Negotiating, drafting and interpreting employment agreements
  • Health and safety matters including risk assessments and defence of prosecutions
  • Personal grievances
  • Representing clients in mediation and before the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court
  • Restraint of Trade cases
  • Seminars on employment legislation

Read our Employment Law articles here

Contact one of our employment law specialists today
Mary Crimp


Mikayla Hughes


Ben Hood


Nick Wilson
